At Ubisoft Berlin, I had the pleasure and honor to work on the Special Operation "Maceo". "Maceo" is a small town on the fictional island of Yara, and was struck by a devastating mudslide overnight. It also derailed a train holding the poisonous chemicals and the weaponized poison called PG240-X.
The player(s) need to seek out the poison, keep it from heating up in the sun, and return it to the Evacuation Site, where taxi driver Lola picks them up.
Senior Level Designer
Ubisoft Entertainment SA
Dunia 2 Engine
PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC
Oct 7, 2021
My work on Special Operations "Maceo" included:
Initial research into the area, mudslides, story and gameplay possibilities
Creating and maintaining (level-) documentation
Blocking out gameplay areas
Blocking out some shadow areas to support the Heat Box mechanic.
From whitebox to gold master:
AI placement and tweaks, navigation mesh and cover optimizations, climbing tweaks and improvements
Basic set / propdressing.
Iterating on internal and external feedback
Quality Assurance on my own work
Ubisoft, Ubisoft Berlin
Maceo Team: Maarten Frooninckx, Jan van Hassel, Rishab Nanda, Tim Richter, Verena Gruse, Robin Thormann, Giacomo Bonanno, Hrafnhildur Anna Björnsdóttir